19 Oct 2012

Backstroke- October 2012


Recently I have received a couple of emails concerning backstroke.  It would appear that officials are comfortable with what they see providing it is expected.  However when swimmers perform something out of the ordinary uncertainty creeps in. It is usually the younger inexperienced swimmers who get into a tangle whilst turning and this is when a thorough knowledge of all the technical rules is required.


Question 1:- A swimmer turns onto their breast at the turn, brings one arm over and touches the wall with the hand at the end of the arc (no drifting in and no underwater pull), brings their legs under their body and pushes off from the wall on their back is this OK?


 Question 2:- In a 50m backstroke event in a 25m pool a young swimmer comes up to complete the first length and touches while on the back [did not attempt a tumble turn] when they are turning to start the final length their foot slips and touches the bottom of the pool, they then lift their foot off the bottom and push off from the wall of the pool and continue the length and finish whilst on there back. Should they be DQ for standing on the bottom of the pool or are they ok because both lengths have been swum correctly as per the rules and the only problem happened during the turn?


Answer: There is no reason to disqualify either swimmer in the situations given above.


SW 6.1 Prior to the starting signal, the swimmers shall line up in the water facing the starting end, with both hands holding the starting grips. Standing in or on the gutter or bending the toes over the lip of the gutter is prohibited.


SW 6.2 At the signal for starting and after turning the swimmer shall push off and swim upon his back throughout the race except when executing a turn as set forth in SW 6.4. The normal position on the back can include a roll movement of the body up to, but not including 90 degrees from horizontal. The position of the head is not relevant.


SW 6.3 Some part of the swimmer must break the surface of the water throughout the race. It is permissible for the swimmer to be completely submerged during the turn, at the finish and for a distance of not more than 15 metres after the start and each turn. By that point the head must have broken the surface.


SW 6.4 When executing the turn there must be a touch of the wall with some part of the swimmer's body in his/her respective lane. During the turn the shoulders may be turned over the vertical to the breast after which a continuous single arm pull or a continuous simultaneous double arm pull may be used to initiate the turn. The swimmer must have returned to the position on the back upon leaving the wall.


SW 6.5 Upon the finish of the race the swimmer must touch the wall while on the back in his/her respective lane.


In question 1 the swimmer left the position on the back to execute the turn, (SW6.2) touched the end of the pool with some part of the body- the hand- and left the wall on the back. (SW6.4)


In question 2 the swimmer touched the wall with some part of the body and pushed off from the wall on the back. The swimmer did not push off from the bottom of the pool nor did he/she take a stride or step from the bottom of the pool. (SW10.4)

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Backstroke turns